Private Limited Company Incorporation
Best Return Filing is a Team of Professional consultants who provides you simple ideas to register your new business and to legally acknowledge ventures. First important task before incorporation is to choose the type of business organization which is both easy and beneficial to the organization.
We at Best return filing help you to decide which business registration suit you the most. We provide you the legal procedures for Private limited company registration / incorporation, getting statutory approvals and other business compliances.
Private Limited Company
Before any private limited company registration, we should know what is a private limited company. As defined in Section 2(68) of Companies Act, 2013 a private limited company are those companies which by its article restricts the right to transfer the shares and has a limitation of maximum 200 members (except OPC) and prohibits any invitation to the public to subscribe for any securities of the company.
Government of India in its initiative of ease of business have reduced the time lime for private limited company registration/incorporation. Before multiple forms were required for Incorporation of Company but now only 3 forms i.e. Form INC 32 i.e SPICE (Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company Electronically) and Form INC 33 E-MOA (electronic Memorandum of Association) Form INC 34 E-AOA (electronic Articles of Association).
Benefits of SPICE Forms is that no separate application for DIN (subject to maximum of three directors), no separate application for Name Approval, no separate application for Incorporation of Company, no separate form for Registered Office, no separate form for appointment of Directors and for Application for PAN and TAN.
Documents Required for private company registration / incorporation are as follows:
I) Documents Required For Shareholders and Directors
- Digital Signature of the person who will become director of the company.
- Self attested copies of PAN Card.
- ID Proof of all the directors and subscribers must be Self Attested (Any one of the following- Aadhaar Card, Passport, Election Card or Driving License)
- Self Attested Address Proof of all the directors and subscribers (Any one of the following- Aadhaar Card , Bank Statement, Electricity Bill, Telephone Bill or Mobile Bill ) (Should not be older than 2 months)
II) For Registering Office Address (PS: You can start company from a Residential Address as well)
1) Registered office is taken on Lease/ Rent.
- Copy of Lease Deed/Rent Agreement.
- Copy of any one of the Latest Electricity Bill/Telephone Bill/Gas Bill.
- Self attested Signature Proof of the Owner. (Any one of Passport, PAN, Driving License, Voter ID Card)
2) Registered offices is owned.
- No objection Letter from the person who is owner of the Premises
- Any one of the Latest Electricity Bill/Telephone Bill/Gas Bill.(Not older than 2 months)
- Self attested Signature Proof of the Owner giving the Consent (Passport, PAN, Driving License, Voter ID Card)
III) For Incorporation
- RUN (For Reservation of Name)
- Form DIR-2 duly signed by the proposed directors of the company,
- Declaration in Form INC -9 (No stamp paper required)
- Form INC 32 (SPICE)
- MOA i.e. Form INC 33
- AOA i.e. Form INC 34